Every thought we have reshapes our brain. By consciously engaging in rewiring, we can align ourselves with the person we aspire to become, and gain more control over our own evolution. This is the basis of Sacred Sedona Circuitry.

Our Gateway to a higher consciousness

Through the practice of Sacred Sedona Circuitry, we tap into the collective consciousness of our civilization, connecting to the deeper neurological wiring of our brain. This meditation helps rewire our brain’s “receiver” to heighten our connection with our higher mind, thus enhancing the flow of information between physical and spiritual dimensions.

There are three levels as to how information is received in our physical reality:

  1. Higher Mind – Is the Conceiver, which holds the vision and greater wisdom.
  2. Physical Brain – Acts as our Receiver, like an antenna which absorbs and transmits information.
  3. Physical Mind – The Perceiver, interprets our experiences and helps make sense of this reality.

This practice helps rewire our internal “antenna” in order to:

  1. Strengthen communication between our physical mind and our higher mind.
  2. Make our brain more conductive, allowing a smooth flow of information in both directions.
  3. Transform our mind into a network that easily associates and accesses broader dimensions of reality, thus allowing greater perception of parallel realities and other dimensions.
Sacred Sedona Circuitry

overview of the practice

Sacred Sedona Circuitry consists of 15 visual symbols, each paired with a guiding word. These symbols, printed on flashcards, are to be gazed at one by one, to allow our brain to absorb their energy.

  • Duration: We focus on each symbol for one minute, spending 15 minutes total to complete the full cycle.
  • Frequency: Practice three days in a row, 1x per day for the initial activation. Afterward, we follow our intuition and engage with any of the symbols, in any order that they resonate with us.
  • Consistency: Limit up to 3 times per day. This helps give our brain time to absorb and integrate the rewiring effects.

Fifteen minutes is optimal for us to absorb information in our current reality. This  ensures effective rewiring of our brain. Any sessions longer than 15 minutes may diminish the impact of our results.

Immersive State of Being

As we meditate on each symbol, here are some key pointers:

  • Allow our mind to drift, and allow the energy of the symbol to flow in.
  • Don’t think or analyze—just allow ourselves to absorb the shape and its meaning without any judgment.
  • Our visual connection is key. Let our eyes be the window to our soul, mind, and spirit. Each symbol will invite our brain to rewire itself, offering us new insights into ourselves, the cosmos, and the interconnectedness of all things.

CReative Freedom

These symbols can be recreated in our own unique style, just as long as the core essence of each remains intact. If we hand-draw them, this will strengthen their connection to our brain’s natural circuitry. This is a great personal touch for us to enhance our bond with these symbols.

awakening, meditation, intuition

Circuitry outlined

We should think of each symbol as having its own consciousness, vibration, awareness, and reality. Our goal being to form a relationship with each one.

By allowing these symbols to express themselves as imprints in our mind, they will aid in smoothing our connection with the universe. In turn, they will act as bridges, opening our internal antenna and facilitating a clearer, more active dialogue between our physical and higher minds.

A Free Download of the Practice is Available Below.

  • First Circuit – Center
  • Second Circuit – Expand
  • Third Circuit – Balance
  • Fourth Circuit – Prepare
  • Fifth Circuit – Express
  • Sixth Circuit – Extend
  • Seventh Circuit – Unlock
  • Eighth Circuit – Flow
  • Ninth Circuit – Receive
  • Tenth Circuit – Relate
  • Eleventh Circuit – realize
  • Twelfth Circuit – Act 
  • Thirteenth Circuit – Transform
  • Fourteenth Circuit – Connect
  • Fifteenth Circuit – Manifest