We often think there are hidden secrets in this world, but the truth is, these secrets are already within us. By opening our hearts and inner eyes through awakening and intuition, we can tap into our inner selves and the energy of the universe.

Wisdom flows from our own divinity, guiding us to a deeper understanding of our place in the universe.


This exciting journey towards grander wisdom helps us transcend our negative ego, while fostering empathy, forgiveness, compassion, and understanding the qualities sorely needed in our world today.

Our path should lead us from the noise of the mind back to the quiet of the heart, from words to silence.

awakening, meditation, intuition

Spiritual Development STRENGTHENS

Our spiritual development offers us profound advantages over material pursuits. By focusing on our inner growth, we strengthen our true selves and become more intuitive. Ignoring this path can limit our potential, as we’ll fail to connect with the universal energy that surrounds us.

A key principle for us in understanding this energy is to incorporate a form of meditation—whether moving or still—into our lives.

But what is this energy that we need to tap into and connect with?

Deciphering our Electromatic Qi

Qi, also known by various names and spellings, is a natural force that permeates the universe. It represents any type of energy that can demonstrate power and strength, embodying the essence of all things.

Each of us has an electromagnetic field unique to our bodies, interacting with and influenced by the Earth’s magnetic field.

When we allow this energy to stagnate within us, it’s like reducing the voltage to a machine—it won’t function optimally. That’s why it’s crucial to become aware (awareness) of our inner state to open the gates to create a better flow of energy through a focus and concentrated mind.

When we allow this energy to stagnate within us, it’s like reducing the voltage to a machine—it won’t function optimally. That’s why it’s crucial to become aware (awareness) of our inner state to open the gates to create a better flow of energy through a focus and concentrated mind.

awakening, meditation, intuition


To deepen our journey together, I invite you to explore our free downloadable PDF and meditation video. These resources are designed to help you align with your inner energy and intuition, enhancing your meditation practice.